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“Hope and Charity” Mission: 4 tons of pasta and tomato sauce- HRH Charles of Bourbon and the Constantinian Order of Saint George answer Don Biagio Conte’s call

“Hope and Charity” Mission: 4 tons of pasta and tomato sauce- HRH Charles of Bourbon and the Constantinian Order of Saint George answer Don Biagio Conte’s call

Briciole di Salute_Missione Speranza e Carità 5 febbraio 2018 (1)Palermo, February 5th 2018– In the light of the recent hunger protest, carried out by Don Biagio Conte, “Hope and Charity” mission Founder, in order to raise awareness among citizens of Palermo on poverty, HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, Head of the Royal House of Bourbon and Grand Master of the Constantinian Order, who had already launched “Briciole di Salute” project that helped and supported the mission, which assists deeply the most fragile people, decided to strengthen his support shipping 4 tons of pasta and tomato sauce that were delivered at Via Decollati 21.
Don Biagio Conte, Salvatore Lubrano, Manager of the companies, Armonie d’Italia Srl and Pyramid Italia which wanted to contribute to the donation, Mons. Salvatore Grimaldi and the Vice Delegate of Sicily, Mr. Antonio Di Janni participated during the delivery.
In order to show their attachement TRH Carlo and Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies will visit the mission in Palermo in April 7th and 8th 2018.

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