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0CAs previously announced a solemn ceremony celebrating the investiture of new Knights and Dames was held in Calabria, on October 28. This is the first such ceremony to take place in the region in over 100 years.

The event was held in the Cathedral of Gerace (Reggio Calabria) in the presence of the Grand Prefect, H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, and numerus other dignitaries of the Order, including H.E. Baron Francesco Sanseverino di Marcellinara, Member of the Royal Deputation, Marquis Giorgio Mirti della Valle, President of the Royal Heraldic Commission and numerous knights and dames who arrived from throughout the nation.

Present at the ceremony were the Delegate from the Order of Malta, Baron Arturo Nesci di Sant’Agata, a large contingent of Red Cross Volunteer nurses, representatives from the Carabinieri Corps and the Italian Navy, in addition to Mayors from various Calabrian cities and many high ranking regional authorities.
The day began with the conferral by H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon of the gold medal of merit of the Constantinian Order to the flag of the Royal Philharmonic Academy” of Gerace, directed by Mr. Giacomo Oliva.
SAt the conclusion of the procession of knights toward the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta a solemn ceremony of investiture was held welcoming to the Order two Dames and twenty-five Knights, including two members of the clergy.
The solemn ceremony was officiated by H.E. the Archbishop Emeritus of Reggio Calabria, Mons. Vittorio Luigi Mondello, Ecclesiastical Knight Grand Cross of Grace and Prior of the Calabria Delegation.
During the Eucharistic celebration a message from the Grand Prior, H.M.R.E. Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, was read welcoming the new knights and dames to the Order.
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3After the ceremony a donation was made to needy families of the parish and the territory and, in the presence of H.R.H. the Grand Prefect, the Crumbs of Health Program was officially inaugurated in Calabria. This charitable program has been active for several years in Sicily and provides for the systematic donation to different dioceses of goods for infants 0 to 3 years of age.

On this occasion Delegate Giampietro Sanseverino dei Baroni di Marcellinara informed all present that the dates for future donations to needy families of the parish and the territory have been scheduled for Reggio Calabria, Marano Marchesato (Cosenza) Palizzi (Reggio Calabria) and Vibo Valentia.

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